Here is my artist bio: (I was feeling silly when I wrote it!)
Nicole LeDrew May is a visual artist from Western Newfoundland. As a child, she used to color Chips Ahoy cookies with crayons before eating them. In spite of that she has survived to her mid-forties (so far) and has switched from coloring cookies to painting on canvas. Nicole is unable to settle down to one subject matter, type of media or one style of painting. However, in the last year the evidence of oil paint smears all over her dining room table indicates her recent preferred media and suggests that she needs a separate room for an art studio. Subject matter is all over the place as she loves it all......everything around her. She does love her two little boys and one big boy (husband) more than words can say. And because words cannot say it all, she paints.
And here is my statement:
Nicole LeDrew May - Artist Statement for Journey Exhibit
My current "journey," or chapter of life, has an over-riding theme of motherhood. I'm just like all other moms, trying to do a lot for the ones I love, and still find myself somewhere in the lovely and mesmerizing tangle of life.
I was scared of having children........would I be a good mom? When pregnant, I felt I wanted to show my children how wonderful a place the world can be. Warm and wet beach sand between your toes, summer sunsets, camping, marshmallows roasts, lying on the grass and looking at the clouds, building sandcastles and lego creations, jumping through a sprinkler, just feeling, and really seeing.......the real and authentic things of the world.... the earth, sky, water. Life doesn't happen in front of a iPad or a tv.
The bigger piece I worked on for this show is of my younger son, Evan. It is based on a photo taken while we were canoe camping on Trout Tiver pond in Gros Morne National Park. For me, this piece is quite personal and I know the multiple journies beneath. The obvious one is the journey of canoeing, camping and being with nature. Evan is playing on an over-turned canoe and just behind is our family tent, which has seen many family vacations and many more to come. The more subtle journey is the journey as "Mom," the journey as a family, all of us together. Camping and being outdoors is such a huge part of my value system, and I am so blessed to have a husband who feels the same and children who whole-heartedly love to explore. A third journey is that with my artwork. As far as art goes in my life, I'm absolutely in a phase of exploration and growth. This past year has seen me try to committ to my artwork as if it were a job. No waiting for inspiration to arrive! Last April I began taking lessons with local artist, Rodney Mercer and one year later, I feel my art has grown in so many ways. I've gained new techniques, but also, more importantly, many intangibles. I'm more confident. I feel now that I look more at the painting for it's own sake, and not try to paint a perfect reproduction of a photo. I'm even beginning to branch out into plein air painting. There is so much more to come and I'm loving this journey!